Tidak ada satu pun member L'Arc yang dateng ke acara itu!! kok bisa? ugh.. ga ngerti deh!
Yang gw denger sih waktu pernikahannya Haido juga, ga ada member yg dateng, atau diundang, atau diundang tapi ga dateng..
''Two big celebrity weddings took place this weekend in Tokyo. First, V6's Yoshihiko Inohara and actress Asaka Seto held their ceremony and reception in Tokyo's Shinagawa ward on Saturday. The press was shut out from the event, which was attended by about 100 relatives and friends. Among them were the other members of V6, as well as celebrities such as actor Masatoshi Nakamura and young actress Kie Kitano. Inohara and Seto have been officially married since September 29, 2007. Then on Sunday, L'Arc~en~Ciel bassist tetsu and actress Ayana Sakai, who married near the end of last year, had their own wedding and reception at the Honey's Garden restaurant in Roppongi. Sakai wore a dress she designed herself for her wedding dress brand. Like Inohara and Seto, the couple made it a private affair, though the media was able to later report that tetsu and Sakai were in tears as they read aloud a letter to their parents. The attendees included actor Yu Shirota and model Rica Imai. ''
“Then on Sunday, L’Arc~en~Ciel bassist tetsu and actress Ayana Sakai, who married near the end of last year, had their own wedding and reception at the Honey’s Garden restaurant in Roppongi. Sakai wore a dress she designed herself for her wedding dress brand. Like Inohara and Seto, the couple made it a private affair, though the media was able to later report that tetsu and Sakai were in tears as they read aloud a letter to their parents. The attendees included actor Yu Shirota and model Rica Imai.”
The band members did not participate T-T only relatives and close friends belonging to the office or agency attend the event, not more than 100 guests.
The wedding dress itself was an off white dress from Aya-na-ture designed by ayana The change of close after the wedding was a baby pink dress designed by Ayana.
The souvenir was a Tiffany’s pair glass (that doesn’t come cheap -__-”). It is said that the bride was overflowing with a natural smile ^^.
(i think when he read the letter) tetsu said, “Kongo tomo futari wo douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (hard to translate but more or less please accept us from now on). That’s so sweet of our leader XD
The venue was completely shut out from the media. The first floor is the entrance to the thick wooden door, descend the stairs to the basement was also closed by a steel fence. (wow o.O)
After that there was a second party at the same place from 9.30 pm until late at night ^^.
The Honeymoon will be in Paris!

sumber: disini
kok ga ada fotonya tetsu ya? T_T
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